Meet Lola Jade Fielder-Civil, Blake Fielder-Civil's Daughter

May 2024 · 6 minute read

Lola Jade Fielder-Civil (born April 2013) is a 10 year-old American celebrity child best known as Blake Fielder-Civil’s daughter.

Blake is a British former video production assistant who is famous for being the ex-husband of former American singer, Amy Winehouse. However, he had Lola with his girlfriend, Sarah Aspin. Get to know more about Lola Jade Fielder-Civil and the circumstances surrounding her birth here.

Lola Jade Fielder-Civil’s Biography Summary 

How Old is Lola Jade Fielder-Civil Now?

Lola Jade Fielder-Civil is currently 10 years old. She was born in April 2013 to her parents Sarah Aspin (mother), and Blake Fielder-Civil (father). She is an American of Caucasian ethnicity and a Christian.

Meet Lola Jade Fielder-Civil, Blake Fielder-Civil's Daughter

Furthermore, Lola has only one sibling, an older brother named Jack Fielder-Civil, who was born in England sometime in 2011. As such, he is about 12 years old. Jack is two years older than his sister and he is currently studying in high school. On her own part, Lola is currently in primary school. However, the name of her school is not known to the public.

Lola’s father, Blake, gave her the middle name ‘Jade’ as a tribute to his ex-wife, Amy Winehouse (who is now late), who had the same middle name. Amy, Blake’s first wife, died a few years after they got divorced and Lola was born a few months later and named after her in memory of her.

Get to Know Sarah Aspin, Lola Jade Fielder-Civil’s Mother

Lola Jade’s mother, Sarah Aspin is a 41-year-old American woman best known as Blake Fielder-Civil’s long-term partner. Details about her personal life are unknown as she’s kept them out of the media. Similarly, it is not known if she does anything for a living. But one thing that is certain is that she is not an entertainment celebrity like Blake Fielder-Civil’s ex-wife.

Sarah Aspin Had a Hard Time When She Was Pregnant With Lola Fielder-Civil

Sarah, already mother to Jack, only found out she was pregnant with Lola four days after her boyfriend, Blake Fielder-Civil, collapsed and was hospitalized. Consequently, she had to go through the process all by herself, without help and support from her partner.

Even when the thought of having to deal with two kids alone disturbed her, she never considered aborting Lola or giving up her first child for adoption. According to her, “I don’t agree with abortions, but I couldn’t help but think that being on my own with two children, while I was grieving, could be too much to deal with,” she said.

She went further to say that after Blake’s sudden collapse, the doctor said his condition was critical – making things even harder for her to bear. She was advised to call his family and tell them to get ready for the worst because they did not know if Blake would survive as he was in coma and his organs appeared to be shutting down. “It was a horrible, horrible time,” she added.

She persevered and triumphed in the end, Sarah gave birth to her daughter, Lola Jade Fielder-Civil, and thankfully, Blake had recovered enough to be by her side.

Meet Blake Fielder-Civil, Lola’s Father 

Blake Fielder-Civil is a former American video production assistant who is now pursuing a career in acting, though he is yet to appear in any TV or film as an actor. He did, however, make an appearance in a music video for Lily Allen’s track LDN released in 2006, in which he played the role of a man trying to sell the singer’s flowers.

Blake Fielder-Civil Lives a Controversial Life

Blake Fielder-Civil has been at the center of several controversies over the years. He once assaulted a pub landlord after which he was jailed. He is held responsible for the death of his ex-wife Amy Winehouse by her family members and some section of her fans.

In an exclusive interview with ‘News of the World’, he admits to introducing Amy to crack cocaine, “heroin, and self-harming” after he used heroin in front of her in early 2007. However, he later contradicted his earlier comment, saying that long before they met, she already had other addictions.

Initially, Blake took all the blame for her substance abuse, thinking he was saving her career. Unfortunately, it has negatively affected his life to a large extent as he still hides from the public because people (mostly Amy’s fans) often spit on him out of disgust.

Blake Almost Died in 2012

In 2012, Lola Jade Fielder-Civil’s father had a near-death experience when after an alcohol and drug binge, he was found choking on his bed but was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with multiple organ failure. He was placed in a medically-induced coma by doctors after which he was on life support system for several days. As you will recollect, this happened a year before his daughter Lola was born.

Many years later in 2019, Blake was arrested for arson, after he made a $1.4 million claim on Amy Winehouse’s estate, but he was later discharged after months of appeals. Before then, in June 2011, he was jailed for two years and eight months on the accusation that he was involved in burglary obviously to pay for drugs as he was an addict at the time. He even stole money from singer Prince’s dressing room. These and many more are the woes that have turned Blake’s public image into someone no one would like to identify with.

Are Lola Jade Fielder-Civil’s Parents Still Together?

As of this writing, Lola Jade Fielder-Civil’s parents; Blake Fielder-Civil and Sarah Aspin are still together. Though Blake might have been an absentee father at the time his daughter was born as a result of the health issues he had from drug use, he has however been trying to play the fatherly role the best he can to his daughter.

On what goes on in their family life as a couple, a lot has not been revealed about how they live together. And as already mentioned above, Blake is doing all that he can to avoid the media as a result of his bad public record. But be that as it may, their daughter Lola is a beacon of hope in the family with a lot of media buzz already on her. With time, it is hoped that she will grow into an adult who will be successful in her chosen profession.

Is Lola Jade Fielder-Civil on Social Media?

Lola Jade Fielder-Civil does not have a verified Instagram account at the moment. This is mostly because she is too young to be on social media. Nonetheless, her father, Blake Fielder-Civil is active on Instagram with the handle @blakefieldercivil.
