What are some lie detector questions?

May 2024 · 6 minute read

Below are examples of the most common questions asked during a polygraph.
Ten Commonly Asked Questions

What questions are asked on a lie detector test for infidelity?


Have you ever engaged in any type of sexual activity with (SPECIFIC NAME)? Since (SPECIFIC DATE), have you communicated in any way with (SPECIFIC NAME)? Have you ever utilized any pay-for-sex type service?

What is relevant question in polygraph?

A relevant question is one that deals with the real issue of concern to the investigation. These questions include asking whether the examinee perpetrated the target act or knows who did it and perhaps questions about particular pieces of evidence that would incriminate the guilty person.

Are polygraph questions yes and no?

Don't overthink.

The polygraph examination consists primarily of yes or no questions that should be simple. If you're the kind of person who thinks there are no right or wrong answers, or who tends to doubt a choice after it's made, this may affect you.

What is a revealing question?

To help, we asked a few hirers to share their go-to revealing interview questions – the questions that divulge the most about a candidate and give them real insight into whether they should hire them (and why).


What are some juicy truth questions?

Best truth questions

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21 Questions List

Does anxiety affect lie detector?

The answer: sort of. Dr. Saxe explains: “The fundamental problem is that there is no unique physiological response to lying. So, yes, anxiety plays a role, as do medications that affect heart rate and blood pressure.”

How do I prepare for a lie detector test?

Get a good night sleep the night before your test. Maintain your normal routine prior to test (i.e. drink coffee, eat breakfast, etc.). Take your prescribed medications as directed by your physician. Discuss any concerns or ask any questions of your polygraph examiner at anytime during the process.

How can I beat a lie detector test?

Tice says it's also easy to beat a polygraph while telling a real lie by daydreaming to calm the nerves. "Think of a warm summer night... or drinking a beer, whatever calms you. You're throwing them off," he says.

What are the two kinds of control questions?

Two major variations of polygraph "Control Question" testing, the Zone Comparison (ZoC) and the Modified General Question Test (MGQT) were evaluated.

What are the 4 major components of polygraph?

The four(4) phases involved in the conduct of a polygraph tests are:

How many questions can you ask in a lie detector test?

How many questions can be asked? An examiner can usually cover three (3) relevant questions during an exam. This assumes these questions are related to one another (see the question above). It takes about 90 minutes to cover these three questions effectively.

Can you manipulate lie detector test?

How to cheat it. According to George Maschke and Gino Scalabrini, authors of The Lie Behind the Lie Detector, there are four ways to beat the test: Change your heart rate , breathing rate, blood pressure and sweat level while answering control questions.

How do you beat a lie detector test 2021?

So here's how you beat the test: Change your heart rate , respiratory rate, blood pressure and sweat level while answering control questions. Send your control lies off the charts. By comparison, your answers to the relevant questions (whether they are truths or falsehoods) will seem true.

Can the average person beat a lie detector test?

Defeating a polygraph against novice students is possible, but defeating an experienced examiner is harder. Goodson says that although he can successfully defeat a polygraph against novice students, defeating an experienced examiner is harder.

Can a pregnant woman take a lie detector test?

Can a pregnant female be polygraphed? A. No (as a rule). Although there is no medical evidence to date that the polygraph can cause harm to the mother or unborn child.

What drugs can you take to pass a lie detector?

A small dose of the widely used tranquilizer meprobamate allows people to lie without detection in polygraph, or lie-detector tests, according to a report in the journal Science. Polygraph instruments are widely used in police investigations and personnel screening.

How long does a lie detector test take?

While the length of polygraph examinations vary, the average CBP polygraph examination time is approximately four (4) hours.

Can someone with ADHD take a lie detector test?

If you have a mental condition Anxiety, Depression, Bi-Polar, ADHD, ADD or PTSD you as long as your condition is under control, you can sit still, follow directions, breath normally you could successfully undergo an accurate polygraph lie detection examination.

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Stop a car that is going down the street and tell them that their wheels are turning. Open Facebook, go to the account of the first person you see, and Like every post on their wall going back a full year. Pick the nose of the person next to you. Lick a car tire.
