Walder was raised in a Haredi family in Haifa. His father was a native of Jerusalem, and his mother was from Haifa. He studied at Yeshivat Kol Torah and Knesses Chizkiyahu before marrying at the age of 21. He was a soldier-teacher in the Israel Defense Forces.
He began teaching in a Haredi eder in Bnei Brak after his discharge. When he started having problems with a misbehaving youngster, he decided to compose a narrative from the child’s point of view and read it in front of the entire class, hoping that the child would understand and calm down. As the other kids were captivated by the story, he began writing and reading out other stories from the perspective of youngsters.
Who is Chaim Walder wife Bracha Walder?
Bracha Walder is Chaim Walder’s wife. There is very little information available concerning their union.
He also encouraged his students to write down any issues or quandaries they were having and send them to his post-office box. As his “story hour” became a regular feature in the classroom, one of the children’s moms pushed him to write a book.
He originally published several of his stories in the Yated Ne’eman to test public interest; when they were well accepted, he decided to publish a book.
He borrowed money and self-published 2,000 copies of his book, Yeladim Mesaprim al Atzmam, on the guidance of the Premishlaner Rebbe of Bnei Brak (Children Tell About Themselves). The entire run was sold out in ten days.