“They were with friends, they were on a private wine tasting tour. Gwen and Blake just could not have been sweeter, just really nice and down to Earth people,” Louise Smith, manager of Mosby Winery tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. “We have a lineup of Italian wines and they tasted about six wines including the Pinot Grigio and San Geoves. The Cortese was Gwen’s favorite so Blake bought two bottles. They were friendly and interested and I was able to educate them on wines, they didn’t seem to know a lot about wines but obviously they have other priorities.” Awww, like their awesome love fest! To hear more about Gwen and Blake, head over to iTunes and download the latest HollywoodLife podcast for free!
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Sadly for all of us, this likely means there’s not a Shelfani baby on the way. “The first 12 weeks of pregnancy is the period most sensitive to the effect of alcohol on the developing fetus. A woman should not drink any alcohol in the first trimester,” L.A. based physician Dr. Vince Bennett tells HollywoodLife.com EXCLUSIVELY. “There is some research to suggest that in the second and third trimester having the equivalent of a glass of wine once or twice a week won’t harm the baby, but I would still not advise it. And I would say absolutely no to any amount of alcohol in the first trimester. It increases the rates of miscarriage, premature birth and a list of other developmental risks as well.
The good doc adds that, “The reason we say no alcohol on the first trimester is because there have been no controlled studies to determine if a small amount of consumption is safe or not.” Definitely a case of better safe than sorry! Gwen is such an awesome mom that we know there’s no way in the world she’s drink if she knew she was pregnant. While we’re still hoping for a baby between these two amazing people, it looks like a little one isn’t on the way yet.
HollywoodLifers, do you think Gwen and Blake will end up having a baby together?