Is Aki Dead Chainsaw Man? The Tragic Fate of a Fan-Favorite Character

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Chainsaw Man is a manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto, which follows the adventures of Denji, a young man who fuses with a chainsaw-shaped devil named Pochita and becomes a devil hunter for the government. Along the way, he meets and befriends other devil hunters, such as Power, a blood fiend, and Aki Hayakawa, a human who has a contract with the Future Devil.

Aki is one of the main supporting characters of the series, and a fan-favorite among the readers. He is a skilled and determined devil hunter, who has a personal grudge against the Gun Devil, the most feared and powerful devil in the world, who killed his family when he was a child. He also develops a close bond with Denji and Power, despite their initial conflicts and differences.

However, Aki’s story does not have a happy ending, as he meets a tragic fate in the final arc of the first part of the manga. In this article, we will explain what happened to Aki, how he died, and why his death is so heartbreaking for the fans.

Aki’s Death: How It Happened

Aki’s death occurs in Chapter 78 of the manga, during the Gun Devil arc. This arc revolves around the confrontation between the Public Safety Devil Hunters, led by Makima, the Control Devil, and the Gun Devil, who launches a worldwide attack that kills millions of people in a matter of minutes.

Aki, who has a contract with the Future Devil, sees a vision of his own death at the hands of Denji, who has been transformed into the Chainsaw Devil by Makima. To prevent this from happening, Aki asks Makima for help, but she betrays him and uses him as a pawn in her plan to defeat the Gun Devil.

Makima forces Aki to make a contract with her, which gives her control over his body and mind. She then sends him to confront the Gun Devil, who has taken over the corpse of a devil hunter named Quanxi. Aki sacrifices himself to protect Makima from the Gun Devil’s bullets, but he fails to stop him.

The Gun Devil then takes over Aki’s body and turns him into the Gun Fiend, a monstrous creature with multiple guns and blades. The Gun Fiend then goes to Denji and Power’s apartment, where he knocks on the door and shoots Denji in the chest, sending him flying out of the window.

Aki’s Death: Why It Was Heartbreaking

Aki’s death was heartbreaking for several reasons. First of all, it was the result of Makima’s manipulation and betrayal, as she used Aki as a tool and a bait to lure out the Gun Devil and the Chainsaw Devil. She did not care about Aki’s feelings or wishes, and she exploited his hatred and fear of the Gun Devil to achieve her own goals.

Secondly, it was ironic and cruel that Aki, who had dedicated his life to hunting down the Gun Devil, ended up being possessed and killed by him. Aki’s worst enemy became his final form, and he lost his identity and humanity in the process. He also became the enemy of his friends, Denji and Power, who had to fight and kill him to survive.

Thirdly, it was sad and tragic that Aki, who had grown to love and care for Denji and Power, had to die by their hands. Aki’s last words before being taken over by the Gun Devil were “Denji… Power… I love you guys.” He also tried to resist the Gun Devil’s control and help Denji defeat him, but it was too late. Denji, who had considered Aki as his brother and mentor, had to cut him down with his chainsaws, while crying and apologizing.

Aki’s death was a devastating blow for the fans, who had followed his journey and development throughout the series. He was a complex and relatable character, who had his flaws and struggles, but also his strengths and virtues. He was a loyal and brave friend, who had a dream and a purpose. He deserved a better fate, but he died as a hero and a martyr. He will be missed and remembered by the fans, and hopefully, by the characters as well.
